About Us

What’s the deal with this site anyway?

We love to play games and express that love outside of the game space, IRL. We saw a gap in the merchandise available for the game. So we took it upon ourselves to gather up our amusing ideas and come up with some new ones to provide the community with products that will make them smile. In the course of trying to catalog the existing costumes in the game, we realized that there’s a lot of real life counterparts available today. The additional “steal this look” costume collections were a natural extension of the desire to have IRL products.

Our Mission and Vision

What we aspire towards and how we plan on getting there.

We aspire to be the first source you think of when you want a piece of custom apparel, or when you want to take an in-game costume into the real world. We hope to provide you with a pleasant and easy shopping experience and wow you with the after purchase support, so you can feel confident coming back and purchasing from us again.

In order to achieve this, we’ll work hard to produce desirable, high quality merchandise and source the best pieces that we can find for you. We’ll stay with you through the order and follow up so you know you’re not just buying online – you’re joining a family of like minded people.